The Challenge

Create a stand-out hotel brand in the London Trocadero building that appeals to economical travelers young and old, of all nationalities.

Concept // Key Words

“You’re Cordially Invited” // Contemporary, Memorable, Novel

The Dora brand is rooted in the playful tension between classic and contemporary.
AI-generated oil paintings, fresh typography and a bright color treatment create a visual language
that evokes the companies’ welcoming personality and allows for bold, eye-catching marketing.

A New Hospitality Brand, With Old Roots.

The London Trocodero was built in 1896 by Joseph Lyons, a Restaurateur and Illustrator, as the flagship of his 200+ location tea house and restaurant chain. No expense was spared in construction, and the Trocodero’s elegance and proximity West End theaters made it a jewel of the London dining scene. 

The buildings sumptuous past is evoked by the AI-generated oil paintings, though the effect is tempered and made contemporary through the whimsical character treatments.

The name is also a tie to the past; “Dora” is pulled directly from a party invitation drawn by Joseph Lyons, and the logo is designed to echo his hand drawn typography.

© Cyrus Hernstadt 2023